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Author Q&A

What was the inspiration for Exodus Team: New Roads?

I wanted to write a story that depicts the normal Christian life as a life of power and love.

When I first had the idea for this book, it was at a time when discussing the supernatural was considered taboo. The mere mention of the demonic was whispered under our breath in frightened tones. Today the pendulum has swung so far the other way that evil is depicted openly. It is prevalent—almost familiar.

The message of this story speaks to both issues, encouraging us not to fear an enemy that Christ has already defeated and reminding us that we don’t have to conform to the pattern of the world around us. In fact, God has asked us to live differently and has empowered us to do it through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Jesus said that He had the power to lay down His life and the power to take it up again, and He did so out of His love for humanity.

In Exodus Team: New Roads, I invite readers to envision what living from that place of power and love could look like. It is the story of three everyday Christians who dare to step out on the Word of God—and God responds.

Where did you get the idea for these characters?

When I was younger, I would write short plays and skits using my three siblings as performers. One summer the fire department did a controlled burn on one of the nearby houses. I thought the charred remains would be a perfect backdrop to film a short story about Christians driving out demonic forces.

We never made the video, but the characters were great! I knew I needed to give them something more to do; Exodus Team: New Roads is the result.

Why should someone want to read your book?

As a character driven story, Exodus Team: New Roads centers around the lives of its three team members, but the focus is more about the journey than the destination. Readers get to follow the characters as they explore their faith and discover who they are along the way.

Although exorcising spirits is a heavy topic, I try to strike a balance between suspense and levity. My goal is to encourage and entertain, and I try to infuse that into my writing. I read for fun and want to provide that experience to those who read my book too!

Did any part of this book originate from real-life experience?

A lot of the interaction between Maj, Aimee, and Kevin is based on my relationships with my siblings. But one of my favorite lines is an actual quote from my sister.

My sister used to work in a Christian bookstore. Shoppers would come in and ask if she could recommend a book on the supernatural, prophecy, deliverance, etc. She would come home and tell us that she recommended a really cool “book on casting out spirits, angels, demons, the fall of man, and redemption through Christ—and that it even has maps in the back!”

She recommended the Bible.

Do you have any other project in the works?

The Exodus Team series is keeping me busy right now; I’m already working on the next book! But I’m a multitasker, so I typically have other things I’m writing or editing simultaneously.